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Meet our dedicated team, without whom Picking Me Foundation wouldn’t be possible! In addition to our Founder and CEO, Lauren, our Brand Manager Jen, and our sweet Spokespupper Bug, we have had wonderful interns and volunteers help out since we were founded in August 2016.

CEO & Founder

Board of Directors

Advisory Board

Brand Manager

Past Interns

“Working at the Picking Me Foundation NFP has not only shown me what is needed to commit to a great cause but has shown me that even I can make a difference in someone else’s life through the work I enjoy doing” -Sergio Zerate




Staff Gallery

Team News

Congrats to CEO Lauren for receiving TLC's #UnstoppableSpirit award, alongside other amazing individuals in the BFRB community.

Congrats to Spokespup Bug for winning the Best in Gold Coast Dog Show and being the cutest pet who advocates!