Stay tuned for more info on Mental (W)illness 2025 soon
Check out our past years:

Check out our MORE past Mental (W)illness events below!

All proceeds will go towards Skin Picking Disorder awareness, resources, support & community!
Will you help us reach our goal of $7,000 in honor of our 7th annual Mental (W)illness?
You're invited for an exciting night including...
Silent Auction & Mini RaffleIncluding items from: Float Sixty Chicago, The Perfect For You Affirmation Guide, Wines for Humanity & more!
Documentary ScreeningSee our CEO Lauren McKeaney's documentary feature in this screening
Amazing Drinks & AppsIncluding our delicious, special cocktail: #PickingMe Punch!

Your support helps move our mission forward!
Check out the #PickingMe initiatives you're fortifying:
Read the stories of real life sufferers YOU are helping!

Established in 2016 by Lauren McKeaney who struggles with Dermatillomania yet promotes Mental (W)illness daily, Picking Me serves the under-reported and misunderstood community of Skin Picking Disorder sufferers, who have only been recognized by the medical community as of 2013 (DSMV).
As a start-up, millennial-led, intern-packed, micro organization, we function on a yearly operational budget under $50,000 with the gracious support of donors like yourself. Our annual fundraiser acts as our big "ask" to continue serving a stigmatized community in the already stigmatized realm of mental health.
Your ticket purchase or donation will support our Drawing with Derma art therapy program, provide educational resources to Dermatologists, Pediatricians, and clinicians alike, maintain our Online Skin Picking Support Group, increase outreach of our Fiddle Packs for sufferers worldwide, help us continue hosting more online events & a lot more!
For questions, email lauren@pickingme.org

Mental (W)illness 2021!

Mental (W)illness 2020!
Mental (W)illness 2019!