Dermatillomania sufferers are a largely underreported and misunderstood community.
We aim to strengthen and expand our community through campaigns, events and more!
"#PickingMe has shown me hope and a community for people living with Skin Picking, not only based in Northern America, but also on a more international scale. They provide me and us with so much support and remember me to pick me over anything." -@hautfarbenschwarz
It wasn't until I discovered the Picking Me Foundation that I found other people that understand what I'm going through every day. Other people who share the same struggles and can offer advice and encouragement that stems from a shared experience. Because of the Picking Me Foundation I no longer feel so isolated by my BFRB.” -@kitten_qat
Community Activities
"Came across this on Instagram and seeing how many others have this condition makes me feel so much better and like I’m not alone. Thank you. You do not know how much just seeing this page means to me." -Kayla
Upcoming Events:
"I had no idea that organisations such as yours exists. I always thought I was the only one who has this problem ..." -Thureya
Past Events:
"It's so nice to know that there are other people that have this and that it doesn't have to define me!!" -Danielle
Ways To Help Our Community:
"I was no longer ALONE. It wasn't JUST ME... and I didn't have the ability to 'just stop picking' ...none of us do, on our own." -@Myredpoodle