Our bi-monthly Online Skin Picking Support Group is led by Picking Me CEO Lauren McKeaney. Lauren has lived with Dermatillomania for over 29 years and knows firsthand the struggles of this disorder. Not only has she experienced shame, isolation, countless infections and complications due to Skin Picking, in 2013 Lauren contracted MRSA as a result from a picked area. She also received double-hand surgery in 2019 from severe carpal tunnel, a side effect on her hands after years of picking.
Lauren understands what you're going through and that's why she's dedicated to helping you receive the validation and connection you deserve. She works to make you feel most comfortable and has a plethora of knowledge on different strategies she's tried, resulting in her own progress. Group is a safe space for strugglers to share their journey with those who truly understand. Here at #PickingMe we're more than a nonprofit, we are a community. And we're excited to meet you!

Group is for adults (18+), will be led by #PickingMe CEO and fellow Skin Picking sufferer Lauren McKeaney and held every:
1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
6:00 - 7:30 PM (central time)
4:00 - 5:30 PM (pacific time)
5:00 - 6:30 PM (mountain time)
7:00 - 8:30 PM (eastern time)
Register with the form below and you will receive an email with next steps!
All BFRB's welcome!
In order to keep programs like these running, our small nonprofit relies solely on your generosity. Please consider donating when attending support group. Check out our options for payment below: