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#BFRBweek Variety Show & Tell

Friday, Oct 7
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM cst on Zoom

★ All BFRBs welcome ★
★ Take part in or watch 3-5 min BFRB-related show & tell proposals ★
★ Feel free to propose a comedy skit, poem, art piece or anything you'd love to share. Expressing your BFRB through our show & tell showcase helps empower our community! ★

Join us this BFRB Awareness Week for our Variety Show & Tell showcase, either as a presenter or attendee! This is a great way to connect with fellow community members, spread Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior awareness and share an awesome talent!

Interested in submitting a proposal?
 Tap here! 

Just want to attend the event?
Register here:
First Name *
Last Name