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Picking Me's 5th Birthday

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who will match up to $500 raised for our event!

Join us as we celebrate 5 whole years of awareness, resources, support and community!
Since starting #PickingMe in 2016, we never dreamed of how much we'd grow and how many amazing people we'd meet in our mission for Skin Picking Disorder advocacy. Our birthday isn't just a marker of our nonprofit's age, but a reflection of all the awesome Skin Picking and BFRB strugglers and supporters who make up our #PickingMe community. It's because of YOU Picking Me Foundation is turning 5 and we can't thank you enough. 

This year we'll be hosting a virtual party and raffle! Come celebrate and support the Skin Picking community in our Zoom Room with:

☆ BFRB Raffle 
☆ Creative Writing Workshop 
☆ #BFRBWeek Video Screening 
☆ Community Hang 

Unable to attend? Please considering donating in honor of our 5th here.

No items are currently configured.

We truly need YOU to continue what we do! Are you in?

And don't forget to check out our list of raffle items below!


☆ Grand Prize 

☆ Runner Up 

☆ #PickingMe Prize 

Note From Founder

Dear #PickingMe Fam,

When I set out 5 years ago with a hashtagged slogan printed on a nail file and stress ball, my original ‘ Fiddle Pack’ for skin picking management and awareness, I thought a few people would find my advocacy for this disorder helpful. I in no way comprehended the enormity of the misunderstood and underreported dermatillomania community or how my fdn would help it grow. And nothing honors me more than working every day to serve this deserving community.

I can’t believe that we are embarking on our 5th year, and I’m so grateful to all of you who've helped make that possible.  This year is different. As countless business appeals have stated before us, these are unprecedented times, but we have seriously been affected and are actually in dire need of funding. In fact, we might lose our literal foundation, our 1 room office that we need for numerous reasons which I’ll share more about in upcoming communications, but largely to maintain our business address to keep our nonprofit's 501(c)3 listing. I apologize for my sad news and abrupt ask, but I think I was ashamed of not raising enough money lately and have been trying to solve this on my own, without asking for the community’s help. 

And now I need you more than ever. Fellow skin pickers worldwide need you. Please, help us continue to do what we do. Will you purchase a bday ticket to celebrate our milestone or donate to help keep our doors open? This would mean so much and we'd love to see you all on Zoom as we celebrate turning 5! I can’t wait for our phenomenal raffle prizes, community chat, and more! And did I mention your ticket purchase and/or donation will help sustain #PickingMe? 

Thank you for being here for me along the way. I’m so grateful for your support and hope to have you with us in the future. Please, don't think someone else will donate today, and pass up this opportunity to help ensure Picking Me can continue doing its much needed work! We truly need YOU to do what we do.

Much love and support,
Lauren McKeaney
#PickingMe CEO & Founder

So please consider taking part in our Bday party and giving to our small nonprofit.
We need YOU to help us continue and do what we do.

By purchasing a ticket and joining our Zoom party
you also help support our numerous Skin Picking awareness initiatives:
If you're looking for support, make sure to check out our latest resources!
Want to help support our lil' nonprofit even more?

Thank you for #PickingMe over Skin Picking