In short, dermatillomania is defined as skin-picking disorder, a condition I had zero knowledge about before applying to Picking Me Foundation, a non-profit organization focusing on this OCD related disorder. After submitting my application (plus a phone call and in-person interview), I was able to land an internship as their social and digital media intern.
My first day was great! I never once felt uncomfortable or in over my head, which I believe had a lot to do with Lauren (the founder and dermatillomania sufferer and advocate). She introduced me to the other interns and provided me with a list of what was needed for the day. I believe it also helped that she was/is such an open book to any questions I had and continually reassured me that everyone worked as a team. She stressed that no matter the circumstance when regarding Picking Me, it should be done in a way that signified us being a part of a larger community. Her approach and guidance that first day allowed me to quickly gain an understanding for this condition and how my work there could help gain support for it. From my first day on, I became familiar with the tone of the organization and produced numerous Tweets, Facebook posts, and became acquainted with HootSuite. I also developed a campaign and helped to promote Drawing with Derma a campaign that was already in place when I joined. I was even included in a YouTube video for the organization!
Lauren has been a great mentor over these last few weeks and the other interns have been passionate, friendly, and dedicated to working as a team which makes interning there really enjoyable. I'm really happy that I took a chance an applied to an organization I had little knowledge about let alone dermatillomania. I can't wait to see what the next few months have in store for me as I continue to grow professionally at this wonderful organization!
Here's the link to the YouTube clip I was involved in during my internship!