Covering up acne for beauty standards? Old News. Covering acne or triggering spots with pimple patches to help Skin Picking Disorder strugglers manage their compulsive skin picking, here for it!
Pimple Patches are an industry buzz product that help provide a barrier between the perceived imperfection and the finger.
Skin Pickers will become more aware of how often their fingers “check” the patched area as they hit the cover. Some acne covers have micro darts infused with tea tree oil to penetrate angry cysts while the hydro colloid patch itself acts as an agent to fix perceived imperfections.
Picking Me Patches, included in our Fiddle Packs, offer one strategy to become more aware of picking compulsions while helping triggered areas heal.
Here's what a Fiddle Pack Recipient had to say:
"I have a bad habit of picking at pimples and other things on my skin and I'm hoping the patches help my zits heal so I am not tempted to pick/pop them. I love that it has activities, info and brochures as well. I honestly am blown away by this whole thing." -Randi N.
Purchase your Fiddle Pack, with #PickingMe Patches included here!
& make sure to check out the recon #PickingMe did on other patch brands:
Rael Microneedle Technology Acne Healing Patch
Notes: Invisible, micro dart, tea tree infused, organic
Notes: Cute stars to put on your face that also fight acne? Need we say more?
Notes: Cleaning pad and then darted patch, good for cystic acne, angry zits
Cosrx Acne Pimple Master Patch
30 ct for $4.49
Notes: Super affordable option