Dermatillomania can be hard to talk about. Let's draw about it.
This is a growing collection of art by individuals who have suffered with Skin Picking Disorder.
Acting as a visual portrayal of their journey, these drawings help other sufferers understand they're not alone.

@julsgax, Julieta Gazzo, 20, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2021
"I tried to represent the anger you feel when you can’t stop picking your own skin" -
Leslie Cairns, 30, Littleton, CO
M.P., 15, Missouri
"I've been dealing with dermatillomania in silence for three years, and recently found out about sites and communities like this one that offer help to people like me. I created this art piece with the goal of showing how I feel after a picking session — ashamed and guilty —, but also who I truly am, not just the ideas I have about myself. Remember, you are beautiful, scabs and scars and everything else!" -
Yaso Hajj, 10, Ghobeiry, Lebanon
@birdsbeforehoes, Nox Everglade, 16, Washington
"I had picked open a good chunk of my finger, and decided to use the blood for something as it was just spending its time getting all over my school work." -
@jacqueline.sknpckng, Jacqueline D., 23, Germany
"This drawing is called "waste of time". My dermatillomania consumes so much time in my everyday life. While I pick I don't have any sense of time. Sometimes I am sad because this waste of time is so unfair as I want to take care of so many other things... Because of my skin picking I have so much less time for important things or hobbies. And the drawing shows that it's in our hands what we do with our time.
Thank you for all of your amazing work!" -
Nia Estevez, 15, Salt Lake City, UT
"A combination of acrylic paint and markers, showing my face and hands and bandaids.
I'm so glad you're here. Thank you." -
@leozartz, Leo Fitzsymons, 17, Great Britain