Dermatillomania can be hard to talk about. Let's draw about it.
This is a growing collection of art by individuals who have suffered with Skin Picking Disorder.
Acting as a visual portrayal of their journey, these drawings help other sufferers understand they're not alone.
@toringoart, Kinga Motyka, 18, Poland
@toringoart, Kinga Motyka, 18, Poland
Jessica B, 30, Australia
Laura Luke, 23, Mississippi
@quickdrawfrog, Penelope Daniels, 15, Washington
Sophia Duncan
@ozcalljameson, Max Titcomb, 16, Woodbridge, VA
I've struggled with skin picking for years, and as of late it's gotten really bad for me. So I'm working on bettering it. This piece was made in a vent like fashion of how it feels to live with Dermatillomania.
@taurus.tay13, Taylor Fernandez, 22, Tampa, FL
This is a drawing I did for a request from a girl outside of the state I live in, and she asked me to do the same drawing for her own self portrait as I did for mine. The half makeup and half natural look shows the pride and beauty of both sides.