A collection of Dermatillomania poems from the #PickingMe community
For National Poetry Day March 21, we asked YOU, our incredible community, to submit your very own Dermatillomania poems to feature. We were so blown away by your response, having received so many touching and poignant poems on your Skin Picking Disorder experiences, that we've created a growing gallery to showcase our community's awesome work.
Check out our amazing submissions and if you have your own poem to share click the link below!
Mia Sanchez
Aaron K
Emma Cannady
Jessi Smith
Karen Roberts
Maddie Topliff
Mia Stoklosa
Annie Rischard
Lata Nobes
Elizabeth Humphrey
Annie Rischard
Claire Brown
Claire Brown
Aria LaMalfa
Lindsey Daggett
Cara Stefano
Joshiya Joseph
Jade Cooper
Ally Nicole
Ally Nicole
Ada KN
- @wombatsermon, Vanessa Kemsley
Jolie Weilhamer
Lindsey Daggett
Lily Brady
Anna Gould
Madison Mokosaik
S., @animportantspeck
Valerie L.
@ambercatherinee, Amber Catherine
@huggyprincess, Lindsey
@lucy_b_poetry, Lucy
@tallyp84, Poinsettia Poindexter
TW: @halloumizz, IG: @kxtttyy, Kitty
@megan_erhart_art, Megan Erhart
@egg0saurus, @bfrbee, Briana E.
@iliuzijom, Maja
@annabananawible, Anna Wible
@midnightfedoraofficial, Mikhael O'Brien
Dorothea Williams
@halzeiyahart, Halcyon Z.
Virginia Currah
@laurenmckeaney, Lauren McKeaney
Thank you to all those who've participated in our poetry initiative! Your works of self advocacy are truly inspiring!