#NationalSelfieDay Challenge 2021
With Dermatillomania, taking selfies can sometimes be a challenge. The pressure to have perfect, airbrushed skin can feel overwhelming on social media. That's why for National Selfie Day yesterday, we asked YOU, our amazing community, to share a selfie along with an empowering message of why you're choosing youself over this disorder.
We were blown away by your response! The #PickingMe over Skin Picking pledges of self love and care you shared are so inspiring. Thank you to our amazing community and all the participants who shared their selfie in honor of Dermatillomania awareness. And so many thanks to Rick McNeely for creating this awesome platform and encouraging the selfie love.
Check out our awesome submissions below!
"I'm #PickingMe over Skin Picking because..."
"It’s one less negative thing about myself.”
-@huggyprincess -
“Better times will come and I’d like to learn to love myself with Derma, like I should.”
-@dermatillo.gina -
"I'm tired of being embarrassed about my hands, & even more, not being able to use them as easily as I should be able.”
-@growthfromtheinsideout -
"I’m done hiding!!!!!!! Ask me if I got attacked by mosquitos all you want! It’s not going to ruin my day anymore. I deserve to be at peace with my skin. Life is far too short.”
-@ajdermastory -
“I found my people. You, my dear #dermatillomania community, empower me to choose myself over the disorder that chose me everyday. Thank you for being part of my home, my foundation, and for just being the amazing self that you are. I’m forever grateful to have you all in my life. I see you, I feel you, I am you. And we, are #PickingMe!”
-@laurenmckeaney -
"I'm spreading awareness for Dermatillomania.”
-@skinpickingnl -
"I am worthy.”
-@karalinmathewson -
“My happiness comes first!”
-@callmelettie -
"I think everybody should know that this or any other mental health issue is nothing to be ashamed of. The more we talk about it the less scary it gets.”
-@abre.de.deuil -
"For the first time in almost 34 years my face and body is not full of scabs and sores and I can see me and feel great! My skin is thanking me for once!”
-@kaylynstarr87 -
“I’m tired of taking my anxiety out on my skin!! My body deserves better than that! ”
-@dermatillonailart -
"I am worth the effort; skin picking disorder is not bigger than me or my own inner strength”
-@nicolebeawrites -
"I'm wearing my bare face with pride this summer. I deserve to relish the feeling of sun on my skin without being in pain or self conscious.”
-@pickor.choose -
“Life is just too short to worry about our appearance. After all, our skin is just our exterior, the cover for our soul, our being. Why should we let our appearance keep us from living life to the fullest?”
-@notjustapickinggirl -
"I'm done dealing with it's consequences.”
-@overcoming_ocd -
"I value my time and want to spend it doing positive things.”
-@aspenwillowchronicles -
“I deserve to feel confident in the skin I’m in! Together I know we can overcome this issue & begin to feel confident in our own skin!”
-@kenyawithacne_ -
"I’m tired of letting it determine my sense of self worth and inform the way I think I am perceived by others and convince me that I am doomed to always self-destruct.”
-@someone_like_you_who_cares -
"It is worth all the energy to fight for oneself's peace of mind.”
-@seeitsworked -
“I’m too cute to not let it go to waste! I’m not letting my insecurities get the best of me. I haven’t in almost a year!”
-@punkgirlsk8s -
"Self-harm won’t build my confidence and my body deserves better.”
-@madygcomics -
"I deserve better.”
-@inariadriana -
“As Beyonce says "There's complexities in complexion But [my] skin, it glows like diamonds" And I can say this with some confidence thanks to my people at @pickingmefdn who understand me, support me, and create hope for me.”
-@mrscanisius -
"I've already changed some old beliefs and unhelpful behaviours that don't serve me anymore as well. why wouldn't I be able to change these ones too?”
-@tea.and.anxiety -
"I refuse to let it control what I wear, it’s time for hot girl summer and I’m not gonna let it keep me from wearing tanks and crop tops
I’ve let #dermatillomania make me self conscious enough, no more b***
It’s been a fun bonus from my OCD since I was a kid, but I’m too tired to hide it anymore and I’m too tired to deal with it coming and going as it pleases, gonna kick its ass and keep it gone this time"
-@coffeevamp -
"I’m on vacation. There is hope in everyone, I believe in you and we all believe in each other.”
-@hope.for.derm -
"Life’s too short to withhold self compassion.”
-@the.excorcist -
"There is more to me than my disorder and my skin.”
-@jes.mickey -
"I don’t look at dermatillomania as an insecurity and believe all skin is beautiful.”
-@slaps.on.strings -
"I love activities that require my hands: video games, cooking, and playing fetch with my dogs. It’s so much easier to enjoy life when my hands aren’t in pain from picking.”
-@uncustomaryhousewife -
"Every day I try to treat my skin, (and myself) better.”
-@mementomushi -
"My hands are powerful & I'm more than my hair.”
-@fidgetpodcast -
"I am beautiful and worthy- with or without my acne & scars!!!”
-@ashleafit -
"I'm the most comfortable and confident in my own skin than I've been in a long time.”
Thank you to all those who've participated in our National Selfie Day challenge! Your messages of self advocacy are truly inspiring!