"It took two major deaths in my life to bring my ugly habit to light. As summer came around, my family would gasp and ask “What happened to your legs?!” And I didn’t really even know what to say. All I knew is after a stressful day at work, I’d find myself sitting on the shower floor with tweezers in my hand digging at any imperfections in my legs. After I saw the shocked response of my family, I only wore pants. Even in 90 degree weather. I was afraid to go swimming for fear of what people would say about my legs. It completely took over my life. After letting my therapist know, I am stating the healing process. I started to search Instagram for pictures about dermatillomania and finally saw legs like mine. I saw women in shorts with those little purple spots I had grown so used to. I hope someone can see my legs and feel the same way. You are not alone. Your legs don’t define you." -Anonymous
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