"I am currently healing from a relapse. Relapses may feel like a downfall each time. It can make you feel weak, disappointed, frustrated, angry, depressed, full of shame and guilt. It really puts your strength, courage, self love, self acceptance and compassion through a test. In this photo, I am choosing self love, acceptance and compassion over skin picking. I am more than these scars, than this illness, than these relapses and more than this pain. I am whole with or without it, but I am who I am because of what it has taught me and where it has taken me. I choose this journey as a guide. I am choosing to befriend it and to be gentle with it because we didn't choose each other, life chose us for a reason. We will say goodbye when it is time to part ways but for now my illness and I are together until we are both ready to let go from each other." -@amourdivina
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