Dermatillomania can be hard to talk about. Let's draw about it.
This is a growing collection of art by individuals who have suffered with Skin Picking Disorder.
Acting as a visual portrayal of their journey, these drawings help other sufferers understand they're not alone.
@abstractallie4, Allie F.
“Picking is no joke. I struggle every day. This drawing I made represents exactly how it feels to me. I hope I can get better! One day at a time." -
@emiliachronix, Emilia C., 28, Britain
“I started skin picking and hair pulling at around 7yrs old. I was always made to feel embarrassed and ashamed, no one understood- medical professionals saw it, even psychiatrists and would say “did you do that to yourself?” I’d say “yeah I can’t stop it” they would just shrug and brush over it- Picking Me really gave me and my alters a place of comfort, acceptance and a sense of belonging, understanding and community. The people on their Instagram have helped me feel beautiful even with my scabs and missing hair. They have all helped me in my journey to accepting and loving myself just as I am.
People who pick their skin and pull out their hair are dealing with something much deeper and much more painful, please be kind and don’t shame us or embarrass us. Please don’t pull our hands away or tell us to stop because that just makes it worse, instead ask us “are you ok? If you need to talk about anything then I’m here and I’ll hear you. I want to try to understand” - we need your compassion not your disgust and judgment over something you see as “gross” because our brains interpret it as a comfort, as a form of self soothing. It’s a compulsive disorder rooted in shame and guilt of things that aren’t our fault. Please don’t be scared of us we are not contagious, we are not taking drugs we are struggling and need to feel safe and accepted." -
@khelysi, Eleana Gavriel , 22, Canterbury, Great Britain
@khelysi, Eleana Gavriel , 22, Canterbury, Great Britain
@khelysi, Eleana Gavriel , 22, Canterbury, Great Britain
@_littleghostie_, Kaity Myers, 26, Michigan
Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful nd supportive space ♥️♥️♥️ -
@annette_cht, Anna Shtepura, 19, Ukraine
Even when it doesn't look like this it feels like this.