Dermatillomania can be hard to talk about. Let's draw about it.
This is a growing collection of art by individuals who have suffered with Skin Picking Disorder.
Acting as a visual portrayal of their journey, these drawings help other sufferers understand they're not alone.
@noelsquareroot, Noel Root, 19, Oakdale, NY
@ericclaremiller, Eric Miler, 22, St. Louis, MOThe cosmetic result of my many years of dermatillomania with testosterone-induced body acne: the mottled surfaces of my arms, shoulders, and chest. Even though my acne has calmed down, the urge to pick at the uneven skin left behind is still going strong. I'm not ashamed of my sleeves of little round scars, but it would be nice to be able to quit adding to the collection.
@4amcreativity, Victoria Seibel, 16, GermanyI drew this piece because I sometimes get angry at my hands for picking at my skin uncontrollably. To remind myself that my hands can do much more than that, I draw and paint. Seeing my hands create art instead of picking at my skin makes me happy and reminds of how much i love them.
@itseemsyoucaughtme, Alex Kovacs, 21, Austin, TXI drew this character when I was dealing with some feelings of loneliness over being covered with bandaids and scabs. I like depicting cartoon characters with the same illness that I have because it makes me feel like less of an outcast, and a little more proud of who I am.
@blankcanvasabstract, Jenny Glowe, 24, Akron, OHAs someone who has struggled with dermatillomania for over 10 years, there are times where I have felt "less than" or not enough because of the noticeable damage it has caused my skin. I want people who struggle with skin picking to know that they are still whole and beautiful no matter what scars, or marks they may have in their skin. Becoming comfortable showing my scars instead of tirelessly hiding them has been one of the number one factors in my healing. I hope that this drawing can help someone to feel a little less alone as well as remind them of their own beauty and worth.
@pintsizeduh, Princess Agyeman, 16, USA
Esther A., 14, USAThis piece is simply called "Dermatillomaniac." After not picking for a couple days, I was in an anxious and uncomfortable situation and was trying to drag my nails against smooth skin as to not damage my skin before finally giving in. When I finally got alone, I cried for a while, before calling my lovely uncle who implored me to draw or find an outlet. I sketched it out, and painted for 2 and a half hours last night, and then 4 more hours this morning. I tried my hardest to capture the anguish and despair I was feeling in that moment.