Dermatillomania can be hard to talk about. Let's draw about it.
This is a growing collection of art by individuals who have suffered with Skin Picking Disorder.
Acting as a visual portrayal of their journey, these drawings help other sufferers understand they're not alone.

@lucysullivanuk, Lucy Sullivan, 45, Britain
"This image is a depiction of my skin picking. I created it as part of a set of zines based around my mental health called 1in4 Zines. I have depression & anxiety with excoriation forming an aspect of it all. As a comic artist & writer I at least have an outlet to talk about my BFRB and hopefully raise awareness." -
@art_made_by_ash, Émilie Quintero Otero, 14, Afghanistan
@pinnaclehilldesign, Leigh Vernalls, 32, ABE, Great Britain
"I’m not a sufferer but I do have repetitive behaviour struggles due to ADHD, I bite my nails until they bleed I pick at spots until they scab and scar. It’s very frustrating when you know you should stop but you can’t." -
@sanguinary666, Andria McConnell, 27, Winnipeg, Canada
"My older sister is someone I will always look up to, but to know she suffers from skin-picking makes me sad. I am only to be able to support and tell her that I love her and I want her to be better than skin-picking, because she is and will always be beautiful." -
@rorisdoodles, Rori K., South Carolina, 10.2021
Aly Good, 41, Canada, Jan 2020
Self Portrait
"Glad this site was recommended to me." -
@batsinarow, Victoria Jones, 30, Garrison, NY
“Better Believe”
Acrylic paint on Mylar and cold-pressed paper
By Victoria Jones
"I’m suffering a lot. I find that I’m always “recovering” from PTSD triggers. It won’t stop. My mom was and still is a picker. I can’t stop picking at my face and shoulders. I’m so diffident that I’ve become agoraphobic. Please help guide me in overcoming these urges to pick." -
@k.jean_art, Kristen Kavcar, 38, Front Royal, VA
"Found Out
Gouache on paper
My second-most vivid memory of the early years of trichotillomania and dermatillomania. I was in fourth grade; participating in an Indiana state beauty pageant. And so out of my league. I'd been pulling for a while by this point, but this is where it was it was made known to my mom, siblings, and myself because I didn't have enough hair in some spots to cover it up anymore."