Dermatillomania can be hard to talk about. Let's draw about it.
This is a growing collection of art by individuals who have suffered with Skin Picking Disorder.
Acting as a visual portrayal of their journey, these drawings help other sufferers understand they're not alone.

@ffsm8, Lotu Ili, 24, Afghanistan
" This is my representation of skin picking. I personally never picked skin from my face but read that so many people had done it and thought it would reach and resonate with a wider range of people and came up with this final piece." -
@slimejellomold, Yule Gullak, 26, Hayward, CA
"This was an Inktober prompt, 'pick', and of course being someone who struggles a lot with picking, I felt like I had to choose it as it was close to my heart.
I wanted to emphasize the vulnerability to it and all the marks it leaves." -
@lophandcrafted, Aurora Shuttleworth, 24, Cape Town, South Africa
"This was an Inktober prompt, 'pick', and of course being someone who struggles a lot with picking, I felt like I had to choose it as it was close to my heart.
I wanted to emphasize the vulnerability to it and all the marks it leaves." -
@artistique_at, A.T., 20, India
@slcxmpbell, Shauna Campbell, 29, Britain, 10.2021
"I’m an advocate of Dermatillomania. I have suffered from the condition in the past. My art is a representation of the difficulties that people with our condition suffer. I would like to highlight the condition for awareness for this unknown disorder.
Having recently discovered the incredible work that your foundation does, being apart of raising awareness for Dermatillomania and the effects that it has on largely silent sufferers can be incredibly difficult for us. I would be honoured to be apart of raising awareness for this significant cause." -
@slcxmpbell, Shauna Campbell, 29, Britain, 10.2021
"I’m an advocate of Dermatillomania. I have suffered from the condition in the past. My art is a representation of the difficulties that people with our condition suffer. I would like to highlight the condition for awareness for this unknown disorder.
Having recently discovered the incredible work that your foundation does, being apart of raising awareness for Dermatillomania and the effects that it has on largely silent sufferers can be incredibly difficult for us. I would be honoured to be apart of raising awareness for this significant cause." -
@slcxmpbell, Shauna Campbell, 29, Britain, 10.2021
"I’m an advocate of Dermatillomania. I have suffered from the condition in the past. My art is a representation of the difficulties that people with our condition suffer. I would like to highlight the condition for awareness for this unknown disorder.
Having recently discovered the incredible work that your foundation does, being apart of raising awareness for Dermatillomania and the effects that it has on largely silent sufferers can be incredibly difficult for us. I would be honoured to be apart of raising awareness for this significant cause." -
@slcxmpbell, Shauna Campbell, 29, Britain, 10.2021
"I’m an advocate of Dermatillomania. I have suffered from the condition in the past. My art is a representation of the difficulties that people with our condition suffer. I would like to highlight the condition for awareness for this unknown disorder.
Having recently discovered the incredible work that your foundation does, being apart of raising awareness for Dermatillomania and the effects that it has on largely silent sufferers can be incredibly difficult for us. I would be honoured to be apart of raising awareness for this significant cause."