Dermatillomania can be hard to talk about. Let's draw about it.
This is a growing collection of art by individuals who have suffered with Skin Picking Disorder.
Acting as a visual portrayal of their journey, these drawings help other sufferers understand they're not alone.

@anastasiaep__, Anastasia Petropoulos, 24, Philadelphia, PA
@my.neurodivergent.adventures, Ella Grace, 20, Australia
Living with derma means torn, swollen, tender skin with bandages to prevent the habit and help heal for the bandages to be torn away and the process to repeat.
I often have people ask me what’s wrong with my fingers or my skin, never understanding that it isn’t as easy as “just stopping”
I hope derma receives more support and understanding around the world! <3 -
@1girlandhercat, Betty-Sarah Fentiman, 16, Britain
@ada.leena, Ada KN, 19, Britain
"Sometimes it feels like the worst type of 'cleansing'" -
@laura_wozny, Laura Wozny, 31, Germany
@becoming._.maya, Maya Tadross., 22, North Carolina
@bravefacegirl, Beth Waltke, 46, Massachusetts
Ben Smith, 35, Utah
"This image was made based on the location of open sores on my thigh caused by my skin picking."